Missing out?

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Alphabet (Google): the prices of shares in well known technology companies have risen dramatically. Tesla has trebled this year.

Is it safe to buy them now, or is it too late? Are there other companies that would make safer investments?

Work it out for yourself

It is the mission of Pier Analysis to equip you with the skills to answer these questions. Pier Review, the newsletter of Pier Analysis, publishes articles showing you how to work out what a company has to achieve in the coming years if it is to justify its valuation today. You can then come to your own view of how plausible it is that the business can deliver the necessary performance.

The maths used is not complicated, and explained in detail. At its centre is a direct cash flow, a representation of a business's performance that is much easier to follow than the way things are presented in the published financial statements.

Free model

Uniquely, for every company covered, Pier Analysis provides a free to download spreadsheet model so that you can see where in the company's accounts each number is drawn from, and watch what happens when you try your own assumptions.

Pier Analysis draws on the techniques widely used to structure the financing of the world's largest infrastructure projects: airports, roads, bridges, tunnels, power stations, mines and oil fields. Pier Analysis, the team behind Pier Review, has operated in this field for decades at the highest level.

For ordinary mortals

You don’t need any specialist background in finance to understand Pier Review. It is aimed at anyone who has worked, or is working now, in any profession which requires a modicum of basic numeracy: medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, engineering, scientific research of any kind. The site has an archive of reference material that explains in simple terms how to make sense of the articles and the models.

Click here to see an archive of recent articles showing the growing list of companies covered.

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Pier Analysis applies thought processes common in the financing of infrastructure projects to the assessment of companies quoted on the stock exchange, where they not commonly used. There is no evidence supported by trials or respectable academics that the approach will lead to investment decisions that will be profitable, or even that it will preserve any capital you put at risk.

The material in Pier Review is journalistic commentary intended for educational purposes. It is not investment advice. Pier Analysis is not regulated by any regulator and has no plans to become so.

While Pier Analysis makes available the models it draws on in its discussions, it offers no warranty that the logic in them is correct, or that they are populated correctly in the case of any particular company.

Writers for Pier Analysis may have positions in the companies that they write about.

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Work out for yourself whether companies' shares are sensibly priced. Free spreadsheet download.


Pier Review looks at the numbers behind well known companies in easy-to-understand terms